Shop Casey’s Favorites

curated from around the web

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Pearl Mirror $1,043

Minka Textured Pot $98

Evans Tray $285

Night Road Wall Art $1,198

Canyon Lumbar Pillow $98

White Maze Wall Art $708

White Maze Wall Art $708

Flora Centerpiece $225

Flora Centerpiece $225

Swirl Marble Tray $85

Swirl Marble Tray $85

Match Cloche $48

Match Cloche $48

Maze Oynx Pillow $295

Maze Oynx Pillow $295

Kensey Discs Mirror $1,220

Kensey Discs Mirror $1,220

Chunky Wool Throw $495

Chunky Wool Throw $495

Bangle Bowl $776

Bangle Bowl $776

Deconstructed Snake $295

Vaughan Cowhide Rug $1,461

Amorphous Mirror $698

Verge Taper Holder $14

Squiggle Rug $3,339

Knot Cushion $125

Knot Cushion $125

Salem Mirror $2,295

Salem Mirror $2,295

David Sculptures $650

David Sculptures $650

Coffered Inlay Boxes $225

Coffered Inlay Boxes $225

Diya Area Rug $695

Diya Area Rug $695

Bubble Marbled Tray $62

Bubble Marbled Tray $62

Hub Mirror $850

Hub Mirror $850